Sunday, August 19, 2012

Stoker V Stoke

I aways find it so gratifing when a customer hooks up the shaper of his new board.  Mike came in last week and wanted to order a new 7'10" Stoker V, seems he had been wanting to try one for some time now.  He gave me an order, I sent it off to Bruce.  I got a call later in the day, with Mike asking if he could talk to Bruce about his board.  Gave him the number and they talked about what Mike wanted.  Bruce felt that the board on order was to thick, and he should go 2" longer, and keep the thickness down. 

Bruce called me to say that one of my other custom's was ready to pick up, and to give Mike a call, as Bruce was sending down a brand new 8'0" for him to try.  Mike took the board out, came back that afternoon and said Bruce was right, the board paddled way better than he had expeceted.  He liked the board so much he canceled the special order, and bought the 8'0"  It aways pays to listen to the shaper.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Orbicular Single Fin

We received our second delivery of the new Orbicular Single Fin boards last Friday.  They range from 5'8" to 6'6".  Lots of cool retro colors to choose from.  The first boards were tested by some of our team riders, and with their input, the refined boards are faster yet!